Back-to-back Whole Novel Workshops this August

I’m thrilled to announce that this August we're holding back-to-back Whole Novel Workshops at the The Highlights Foundation. I will be teaching at both! As usual, we have an amazing faculty, and I'm so proud to be among them.

This intensive workshop offers writers the rare opportunity to have the entire draft (up to 80,000 words) of a novel read by faculty, with detailed written feedback and two private consultations provided. Attention in an intimate setting makes this program one that guarantees significant progress in preparation for submission. This Whole Novel Workshop is specifically designed for writers of novels for children and teens.

I'm happy to answer any questions you may have.

You can find out more information here:

Whole Novel Workshop: A Retreat for Novelists (Summer Session One), August 12-16

Whole Novel Workshop: A Retreat for Novelists (Summer Session Two), August 19-23


Interviewed for the Cynsations Blog


Webinar: Intro to Writing Short Fiction for MG & YA Authors